Turning $1,500 into 232+ Verified Leads using Google Ads

Project description


In this compelling case study, I showcase my expertise in providing Google Ads services to local service businesses. Our client, a local service provider, had set a monthly ad budget of $1,500, and they were looking to maximize their online presence, generate high-quality leads, and grow their business. Throughout the month of October 2023, we delivered impressive results that demonstrated the power of targeted Google Ads campaigns.


Our client faced fierce competition in their local service industry, making it challenging to stand out in the crowded marketplace. They sought a cost-effective solution to increase their online visibility and attract potential customers within their service area. Our task was to make the most of their $1,500 ad budget and deliver a substantial return on investment (ROI).


1. Keyword Research: We conducted extensive keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords for the client’s services.

2. Ad Copy Optimization: We crafted compelling ad copy that highlighted the client’s unique value proposition and encouraged click-throughs.

3. Geotargeting: We implemented precise geotargeting to ensure that the ads reached potential customers in the client’s local service area.

4. Landing Page Optimization: We optimized the client’s landing pages to provide a seamless and conversion-focused user experience.

5. Budget Allocation: We strategically allocated the $1,500 monthly budget to campaigns and ad groups that showed the most promise in terms of lead generation.


In the month of October, our efforts delivered impressive outcomes:

– Ad Spend: We effectively managed a budget of $1,440, ensuring every dollar was put to good use.

– Impressions: The campaign garnered an impressive 11,600 impressions, significantly increasing the client’s online visibility.

– Clicks: We achieved a remarkable 1,110 clicks, indicating strong user engagement and interest in the client’s services.

– Leads Generated: The most significant achievement was the generation of 232+ high-quality leads, a testament to our strategic approach, precise targeting, and compelling ad copy.


This case study exemplifies the success of our Google Ads services in supercharging a local service business’s online presence and lead generation. With a $1,500 monthly budget, we achieved remarkable results in the month of October, delivering a substantial number of leads and increasing the client’s ROI.

If you’re a local service business looking to harness the power of Google Ads to grow your customer base and increase your online visibility, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to achieve similar success and make your business thrive in the digital landscape.

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